RIBO Level 1 Exam Questions – New Changes to the RIBO Level 1 Exam
For those looking to rib level 1 exam questions in Ontario, one of the first steps is to pass the RIBO level 1 exam. This is the first provincial license required to work as an insurance broker in Canada.
The RIBO level 1 exam is comprised of 90 multiple choice questions and a Case Study question which evaluates your ability to apply the information you have learned during your course to real world situations. To pass this exam you need to know your stuff so studying diligently is key. Luckily there are plenty of resources available to help you study so you can pass your exam!
Cracking the Code: RIBO Level 1 Exam Questions Unveiled
There are a few big changes to the RIBO level 1 exam that come into effect this year. These include a new competency profile that will focus more on commercial lines of insurance. Additionally, they will be increasing the number of graded exam questions from 90 to 100. This will allow the examiner to get a better feel for the candidate’s knowledge of topics critical to their success as an entry-level broker including legislation and insurance product knowledge.
To support educators and candidates with these new changes, RIBO is providing new learning tools that will enable them to refresh their course materials and provide students with the best possible chance of passing the exam. These new resources will be made available to all RIBO-approved education providers this fall. They will also be used to guide the development of a revised level 1 exam blueprint and a refreshed competency profile that will be launched in January 2025.